Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or concerns that relate to speech language pathology in any way, at any level....just ask.
I will answer them to the best of my ability on my blog.
Contact me at

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Check out my new expanded blog

Google has made life a little difficult. We lets just say not as easy as it was. I was hoping to maintain this blog in conjunction with new expanded blog "The School Speech Therapist". If you find this site helpful please talk a look at Thanks Teresa

Friday, March 2, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Curriculum in Therapy

I was recently asked by a new therapist, working at the middle school level, if I was able to use curriculum material in therapy.  Over the years I found that it was very difficult to incorporate curriculum into therapy.  So I guess my answer is no but with some clarifications and of course exceptions. 

Speech therapists generally don’t see the kids often enough to keep up with the curriculum.  Most of my students in middle school also work with a special education teacher that services them much more often both in and out of the classroom.  The special education teachers are or at least should be connected to the regular education teachers.

Therapy groups are often made up of students from several different classes (sometimes even different grades) rarely are they working on the same thing at the same time.  I’ve occasionally been able to organize a session around a specific  book a grade might be reading.  Talking about higher level language, underlying meaning setting or conflict.

If planning time with teachers isn’t built in clearly you will not know what is specifically going on in the classroom.  One thing that you can always ask teachers for is curriculum vocabulary.  It never hurts to preview, review or introduce a knowledge connection to new vocabulary.

Occasionally when I’ve consulted or observed a classroom where I noticed a skill or concept introduced that looks challenging.  I can usually assume that my students might need simplification, clarification, reinforcement, relevant examples or a knowledge connection.  I’ll start out by asking them about what was covered in therapy to see what they retained.  Then adjust the therapy session accordingly.

Even though many would disagree with me, the speech pathologist is not there to teach academics.  We are there to fill gaps.  The SLP needs to focus on teaching underlying skills that aid independent learning and life skills.  It is difficult to work on remediating language disabilities if we also have to address academics.
Last thoughts......It is important to have an idea of the basic curriculum.  If a student asks for help with academics, try to drop everything, find out what they need and help them out.  I know that if a student comes to me with an academic questions they are either struggling, confused or overwhelmed.

From my newest blog The School Speech Therapist  for more information on Speech and Language development.

Your Middle Schooler is staying put!

Hello Everyone,
     Last week I launched my new blog The School Speech Therapist.  On my new blog is a page for "Your Middle Schooler:  A Unique Age".  I was going to discontinue this blog but have decided to post middle school material on both blog sites.  Please visit my new site and let me know what you think.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Your Middle Schooler: A Unique Age is Moving!

Hello Everyone!

     Your Middle Schooler: A Unique Age is not only moving but expanding.  The new site is called
The School Speech Therapist.  Your Middle Schooler: A Unique Age will have its own page on the site.
     I am very excited about the prospect of expanding my site.  There have been many topics in the field of Speech Language Pathology that I have been interested in writing about that don't quite fit in Your MIddle Schooler.
     Please take a look but keep in mind the site is still under construction.  I welcome comments and questions.  I really want this site to become interactive for parents, therapists, teachers and administrators.

Teresa Sadowski MA/SLP-ccc